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How do we contribute to climate adaptation in agriculture?

16 April 2021

ACED’s work is focused on some of the most pressing development issues for Sub-Saharan African countries, such as food security, nutrition, climate change and environment protection.

Climate change adaptation is considered a cross-cutting issue and is mainstreamed in almost all our interventions. Our areas of focus in climate adaptation in agriculture mainly include research on climate vulnerability and adaptation strategies, support to local communities in adopting adaptation solutions, the nexus of ecosystems and climate adaptation, and climate policy.

Our research on climate vulnerability and adaptation strategies has two objectives. First, it aims to improve understanding of the vulnerability factors of local agricultural communities to climate variability and change. In practice, we develop a research-action methodology to assess the degree to which agricultural systems (geophysical, biological and socio-economic) are susceptible to climate change's adverse impacts. Second, it also researches about the adaptation strategies that local agricultural communities can develop to increase their resilience. We conduct socio-economic assessments of the different possible adaptation strategies to identify the ones more suitable to the local context and affordable for local communities.

Beyond research, we also support local agricultural communities in adopting adaptation strategies. This includes awareness raising on the possible strategies through advocacy campaigns, agricultural advisory services and community engagement. Furthermore, we provide training and equipment to local agricultural communities to support them in applying the strategies to their agricultural activities. In the agricultural sector, we have been active in inland fisheries, coastal communities, livestock, and urban agriculture.

Another area of focus of our operations is the nexus of ecosystems in climate adaptation. In practice, we intervene at the community level to develop activities that would protect ecosystems such as mangroves and increase their capacity to support climate adaptation. The last area of focus is climate policy. As a think and do tank, influencing policies is at the core of our operations. Therefore, in the climate adaptation field, we also develop activities that help engage policymakers in climate debates and support mainstreaming of climate adaptation in decision-making and development interventions. We do this through advocacy campaigns, knowledge events, and policy support.